The allrounder among lightweight sleeping bags. The best time for hiking, trekking, camping and travel is from the spring to the autumn. The 3-season sleeping bag Biopod DownWool Subzero is the ideal companion here. Its DownWool filling, a mixture of down that ensures pleasant insulation, and wool that works like natural air-conditioning, ensures an outstanding sleep climate. The wool also makes the sleeping bag more resistant to moisture than pure down. The pillow pocket is also very practical. Just insert a fleece jacket here and you already have a non-shifting pillow. The highlight is the zip which is round at the bottom and which means that if it should get too hot at any time, you can conveniently place your feet on top of the sleeping bag. DownWool is an innovative high-end filling composed of 70% down and 30% wool. Down has a very high insulation capacity and a low weight. However, down only provides insulation as long as it is dry. With increasing humidity, the insulating effect of down is significantly reduced. The characteristic of wool is that it provides insulation and absorbs moisture. In this way, the down will stay dry and thus keeps its very high insulation capacity. With the unique mix of DownWool Grüezi Bag achieve optimal insulation and a perfect dry sleeping climate with a low weight. The sleeping climate is decisive for sleep quality. The deeper and more relaxed your sleep, the more rested you will be the next morning. Use: The ideal companion for temperatures until just above freezing. Altogether an allrounder. Whether for trekking and bike tours as well as for camping.
Gr\u00fcezi Bag - Biopod DownWool Subzero 200 Sleeping Bag pine green
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